Hyperspace comic

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This time I feel like doing a crazy and useless tutorial, based on the last episode of my webcomic and using a combination of Inkscape and GIMP I will create a space ship jumping into hyperspace (last panel of the comic).


The ship

The first step is to make a panel for the comic. Following the style of my comic, I use for that a rectangle with rounded corners colored in a light blue gradient.

inkscape hyperspace

So let's do the ship! For the geeky feel I want to make it look like the Millennium Falcon, so I start with a circle, made with the ellipses tool while keeping the Ctrl key pressed.

inkscape hyperspace

And a second, slightly smaller, circle

inkscape hyperspace

Select both of them (with the Shift key) and using the Align and Distribute dialog align them at the center of the bigger circle.

inkscape hyperspace

With both of them still selected, substract the small circle from the big one to get a ring.

inkscape hyperspace

Duplicate the ring (Edit > Duplicate.

inkscape hyperspace

And resize the copy (keeping the Ctrl key pressed to preserve the aspect ratio) to make it smaller.

inkscape hyperspace

And make yet another duplicate and resize it further, for a much smaller ring

inkscape hyperspace

Now select all 3 rings and align them to the same center

inkscape hyperspace

The rings still selected, perform an union operation

inkscape hyperspace

Duplicate the base rectangle pane.

inkscape hyperspace

And intersect it with our circles

inkscape hyperspace

Draw a new rectangle, covering a bit more than the upper half of the panel

inkscape hyperspace

Duplicate the base panel once more an substract the top rectangle from it.

inkscape hyperspace

Now we have "the floor" at the base of the panel.

inkscape hyperspace

Select the floor and the rings and to an union, it starts looking like Millennium Falcon's cockpit.

inkscape hyperspace

The rings need a resistance structure, so they need support. Draw a thin rectangle.

inkscape hyperspace

Rotate it and Move into position

inkscape hyperspace

Duplicate, Flip, Move and Rotate until we get all the bars into place.

inkscape hyperspace

Select the bars and the rings, do an union and the cockpit is ready.

inkscape hyperspace


Drawing the hyperspace is harder, so instead of a lot of work in Inkscape I used a shortcut with GIMP, so start gimp with an empty (white) document.

inkscape hyperspace

Add some RGB Noise (Filters >Noise > RGB Noise)

inkscape hyperspace

Desaturate the image (Colors > Hue-Saturation) to get an black and white image.

inkscape hyperspace

And apply a Motion Blur filter (Filters > Blur > Motion blur) p select Zoom as type and play with length as you like.

inkscape hyperspace

Too increase the effect, apply a Cartoon filter (filters > Artistic > Cartoon)

inkscape hyperspace

Now it does look like a starfield seen at high speed, save as PNG and you can close GIMP.

inkscape hyperspace

putting all together

Back to Inkscape, import the PNG made with GIMP.

inkscape hyperspace

Trace the imported PNG (Path > Trace Bitmap) by Brightness and then you can delete the PNG.

inkscape hyperspace

Move the starfield over the comic panel

inkscape hyperspace

Resize if needed

inkscape hyperspace

And Simplify the path, to decrease the node count

inkscape hyperspace

Make a duplicate of the base panel and intersect it with the starfield.

inkscape hyperspace

Lower the stars behind the cockpit structure

inkscape hyperspace

And make them white

inkscape hyperspace

That's pretty much your spaceship jumping into hyperspace, enjoy it and go forward with the comic!

inkscape hyperspace


As usual, you can leave feedback, praises, complaints, suggestions and so on on my blog.