- with the Bézier tool draw a rough arrow
- edit the nodes and make the lines slightly curved
- fill with a bright color, like this light green
- change the fill in a gradient
- increase the width of the stroke
- use the same gradient for the stroke as with the fill but with inversed atart and end points
- add a slight Blur shadow
- optionally, add a glossy area (white to transparent gradient)

Update: as requested by a reader, here is the SVG source
You can leave comments, complaints, suggestions, praises on my blog.Many thanks to my friends at OpenArt.ro, www.xdrive.ro and Inovatika for motivating me to write this.This tutorial is free, but if you find it entertaining, pretty please (this is not a requirement, only my humble wish) send an email to dioanad at server gmail.com with thanks for motivating me to publish it and expressing your unhappiness to the same person for destroying my motivation to publish more.
Be nice, polite and do not do nasty things with the address above. Thank you.