We will create a tree like this using Draw:As a bonus, we will modify to look like this:
Hands on
- Start with the polygon tool:
- Draw a triangle and fill it with green. Select a line width of 2 pt:
- Convert it to curve:
- Edit points to obtain something like that:
- Now add a highlight area: another polygon (triangle), converted to curve with modified points and filled with white without border:
- Select the white area and make it 75% transparent:
- Select both shapes and group them:
- Copy and paste the group. Resize and place the pasted image as desired. Repeat:
- Select the pasted shapes and arrange them:
- Next stept is to draw the trunk unsing a rectangle:
- Fill it with brown:
- Convert the rectangle to curve and ajust points:
- Add the highlight - rectangle converted to curve, white, without border and 75% transparent:
- This is our tree:
In this section we will add a 3D effect:- As a base, will be used a tree without any highlight:
- Select the desired effect:
- And enjoy the final result:
This tutorial is free, but if you find it entertaining, pretty please (this is not a requirement, only my humble wish) send an email to dioanad at server with thanks for motivating me to publish it and expressing your unhappiness to the same person for destroying my motivation to publish more.
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