How is made
Beyond the political statement, here is a quick graphic lesson, a HowTo about creating the rubber stamp above with Inkscape.
- Using the Ellipse tool draw a circle (keep the Ctrl key pressed to obtain a circle). Duplicate the circle and resize the copy (also with Ctrl pressed to preserve the aspect ratio). Change the size of the Stroke (wider for the interior circle).
- Now add some content to the stamp. In this case we will use the NU text (Romanian for NO), but you can use anything, even a graphic. With the Text tool write the desired text, choose a font face and resize it as needed. Place in the center of the circles.
- For text convert Object to Path and for circles convert Stroke to Path. Make a Union of those paths.
- With the Calligraphic tool draw randomly over the figure, trying to cover a large part but not all of it. Select the messy drawing made with the calligraphic tool and the stamp and do an Intersection.
- Reduce the node number with Simplify and apply a color similar with the ink used for the rubber stamps (here I used a dark magenta).
- Make the color a little irregular by applying a slight Gradient and for a more natural look just a bit of Gaussian Blur.
Update: a Romanian translation is also available.
This disclaimer will be updated soon, with my usual plea..Many thanks to my friends at, and Inovatika for motivating me to write this.